Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Princess in the Making

The last several months around here have been all about princesses, pink and basically being "girly".  So when Christmas came, it came as no surprise that it was an all-out "princess fest" for Addison.  Santa brought her some sparkly princess shoes, which she has worn every day since. 

And I must add, for true understanding and appreciation of her love for these shoes, she does not want them to get dirty in any way.  True story--I took her out to lunch on Sunday for the start of our Girls Day; it had been raining earlier in the morning so the ground was still wet.  When I went to get her out of the car and place her on the ground, she kept screaming for me to pick her back up and wipe off the bottoms of her shoes because they were dirty.  It was irrational, exhausting and humorous all at the same time!

So back to the Girls Day.  Jeff had received some AWESOME 49ers tickets for Sunday's game from one of his colleagues at work.  Now let's just say this guy is a TRUE fan--he's been in their commercials and everything.  But being the Sunday right after Christmas, there was no one around who could help watch the kiddos so that Jeff and I could go.  So he took Lucas and I did a Girls Day with Addison.  We started out with lunch together and then did a traditional "girly" activity--we got manis and pedis together.  I know, I know--the midwesterner in me is totally shocked that I took a 3-year-old to a salon to get a mani/pedi.  But she of course LOVED it.

Are you even surprised she chose pink nail polish??!?! :) 

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