Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Explanation

So for those of you who know me well, you know this is a pretty big undertaking for me. How in the world am I going to find time to properly maintain a blog?!? But here's the deal...

for awhile now I've been contemplating doing a blog in an effort to keep L&A's grandparents and other long-distance relatives (pretty much encompasses all relatives! LOL) current on the lives of our dynamic duo...our beloved Baby A and Baby B...a.k.a Lucas and Addison.

You may be asking yourselves...what's the story behind "more...more...all done"? Great question! I wanted to select something that captured L&A. Now they may be twins, but they are so, so very different. But one thing that they do have in common is that they both learned "more" and "all done" as their very first baby sign language. And even though they now verbalize these 2 words (A LOT)...they still do the signs along with the words. These 2 phrases are heard dozens of times each day...and with great enthusiasm. For example: you could start tickling L and he'll say "more, more" and you'll tickle some more. Then when you stop, he'll say "more, more". This will continue for a good couple of minutes until all the sudden he'll exclaim "all done, all done", "all done, all done" over and over until you stop. :) This scenario is actually pretty much so that I've recorded a 30 second snip of it (it's great to listen to when he's acting up and throwing a tantrum--ahhhh, the terrible 2s!)

Okay so that's the for a look into L&A's world.
A friend of mine invited us to go try out a new Cupcake Bakery (Kara's Cupcakes) with her today. They have maybe a dozen different types of cupcakes to choose from as well as super cute matching mini cupcakes in the same flavors. Of course, I couldn't resist getting L&A each their own mini cupcake. L got a Vanilla Chocolate Cupcake, A got a Sweet Vanilla Cupcake (the girl isn't crazy about chocolate--weird, huh?!) and my friend and I both got a Chocolate Velvet Cupcake. The frosting on these were amazingly light and fluffy.

In traditional fashion, L thoroughly enjoyed himself getting frosting everywhere (check out the frosting on his glasses!); while A was a dainty 'lil thing and barely had any evidence she even ate a cupcake! And of course, pinky is slightly raised--who's ready for tea?

Lesson learned today--a tasty, sugary snack = no nap!
That's it for today...all done, all done! ;)


Barb Baldwin said...

You know I always thought Richard was weird 'cuz he didn't like chocolate either. When he was a kid, if it was like a peanutbutter and chocolate thing, he'd leave the chocolate & eat the PB.

madretz said...

So cute! I can't wait to read more! More! :)

I was wondering if they would have a tough time going down for their nap after the sugar rush. Thanks for answering that question. lol.

Craziness about the lockdown. OMG, so bizarre. Let us know how it turned out when you get the chance to write again.

Feel free to pass the link of the pics to family and friends.