Friday, October 29, 2010

Pre-Halloween 2010

Today was a FULL day of Halloween festivities.  First, our Preschool Halloween Bash and then this evening we had another Halloween Party/Carnival (no wonder the kids don't realize Halloween is only 1 day!)  At this rate, I think the kids will be more fond of Halloween than they are of Christmas.  Jeff and I were counting and by the time Halloween comes on Sunday, we'll have gone to six (6!) parties already!

So here are a couple of pictures to share of the cuties...

While this photo looks is a classic signature Lucas pose.  Showing off his Bob the Builder "muscles"!  And as a funny side note...all night long people would say to him "oh, you're Bob the Builder" and he would respond "no, it's just my costume".  Seriously, this exact exchange occurred at least 10 times tonight.  It was hilarious.  He was so serious and the people interacting with him were a little dumbfounded--not quite sure how to respond to that.

Next we have "Sleeping Cutie"...

No matter how many times people would say "oh, you're Sleeping Beauty" she'd always respond "yes, I'm Sleeping Cutie."  She's definitely right...she is a cutie! :)

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


So as shocking as it is, Lucas and Addison just recently realized that Holly is no longer in the house.  We had a whole lead up to the fact that when Santa came on Christmas Eve he would be taking her back to the North Pole with him.  I guess it didn't sink in.

Addison: "I'm sad she's not here anymore.  I didn't say bye."
Lucas: "I did say bye to her mom."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No More Tears!

So it finally came to it...we had to get Addy's hair cut.  Each and every morning it was always the same scenario--tears, tears and more tears.  I'd say, "it's time to fix your hair, Addy." And then she'd always reply, "with a comb?" (with great anguish).  Even though I knew what was in store, all I could do was laugh when she'd ask if we had to actually comb it out.  She'd rather we just put it in a headband or ponytail (without combing) and call it a day.

After a few weeks of preparing her for the fact that we were going to cut it, we finally did it.  I was worried how she'd react.  But she seems to really like it.  And we've gotten plenty of compliments on it too!

Not really the best picture to capture what it looks like (will have to get another picture to post soon).  It's a wedge cut.  So it's longer in the front.  About chin length.  And then short in the back.  Soooooo much easier to get her to comb her hair in the morning.  Aaahhhh, one thing that's easy. ;)

And then Lucas' cut.  Wasn't terribly pleased with it.  I even had to ask her to go back and cut stray hairs that were poking out in the back and front sides.  And still there are flaws.  Ah, well.

Afterwards, we met up with our friend Madeline for some yummy Kara's cupcakes. 

Addy's cupcake.

Lucas' cupcake.

Gotta love the patience and restraint.  True signs that they have come to terms with their scrappy mom! ;)

Then a little playtime with the bike racks.  What's interesting is that around this time last year when we went, Addy could walk right under them without ducking.  Now check her out!

And proof (or shall we say future blackmail??) that Addy can hold her own...

Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Princess in the Making

The last several months around here have been all about princesses, pink and basically being "girly".  So when Christmas came, it came as no surprise that it was an all-out "princess fest" for Addison.  Santa brought her some sparkly princess shoes, which she has worn every day since. 

And I must add, for true understanding and appreciation of her love for these shoes, she does not want them to get dirty in any way.  True story--I took her out to lunch on Sunday for the start of our Girls Day; it had been raining earlier in the morning so the ground was still wet.  When I went to get her out of the car and place her on the ground, she kept screaming for me to pick her back up and wipe off the bottoms of her shoes because they were dirty.  It was irrational, exhausting and humorous all at the same time!

So back to the Girls Day.  Jeff had received some AWESOME 49ers tickets for Sunday's game from one of his colleagues at work.  Now let's just say this guy is a TRUE fan--he's been in their commercials and everything.  But being the Sunday right after Christmas, there was no one around who could help watch the kiddos so that Jeff and I could go.  So he took Lucas and I did a Girls Day with Addison.  We started out with lunch together and then did a traditional "girly" activity--we got manis and pedis together.  I know, I know--the midwesterner in me is totally shocked that I took a 3-year-old to a salon to get a mani/pedi.  But she of course LOVED it.

Are you even surprised she chose pink nail polish??!?! :) 

Monday, December 28, 2009

A Christmas Recap

Sit back and enjoy a few minutes of our Christmas morning...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Meet Holly B. Jolly!

On Friday morning, our Secret Elf--Holly B. Jolly arrived.

As I suspected, Lucas is taking Holly's presence here at the house very seriously.  While Addison is so-so.  Makes sense--Lucas is the rule follower!  Even when it's Addison that is doing something "naughty", Lucas gets very concerned and says don't show or don't tell Holly.  He doesn't want anything to mess up Santa believing he is a good boy and deserves the presents he is asking for :)  Funny how even when you try to give them autonomy, they still see themselves as a pair.

Addison is finding the fun in Holly's mischief.  This morning she was found playing inside Addison's Little People Castle.  Right away Addison said, "That's bad Mommy.  It's for princesses."

Monday, November 09, 2009

Super Cute!

Today we received a very exciting package from Aunt Barb.  Lucas was more concerned with whether or not Aunt Barb was coming to visit while Addison could hardly contain her excitement as we opened the package and found a fabulous selection of princess movies.  (If only I had the camera ready to capture her expression when she saw that they were princess movies!)

So this new found treasure became my leverage for getting them to take a "good nap" today ;)

After nap, we popped in Cinderella.  This is Addison glued to the movie.

This is her realizing I'm taking photos.

And now she's all set to pose for the camera in her princess crown.  LOL!  (note: I had to pause the movie)

And now for a super cute quote from Addison while watching the you may recall in Cinderella her step-sisters are quite mean and tear apart her mother's gown that she intends on wearing to the ball.  Well, Addison got all sad that they "broke" her dress and turns to me and says "I can fix it.  When I get glue on it."  Aawwwww, cute!!

Thanks, Aunt Barb!