Saturday, November 28, 2009

Meet Holly B. Jolly!

On Friday morning, our Secret Elf--Holly B. Jolly arrived.

As I suspected, Lucas is taking Holly's presence here at the house very seriously.  While Addison is so-so.  Makes sense--Lucas is the rule follower!  Even when it's Addison that is doing something "naughty", Lucas gets very concerned and says don't show or don't tell Holly.  He doesn't want anything to mess up Santa believing he is a good boy and deserves the presents he is asking for :)  Funny how even when you try to give them autonomy, they still see themselves as a pair.

Addison is finding the fun in Holly's mischief.  This morning she was found playing inside Addison's Little People Castle.  Right away Addison said, "That's bad Mommy.  It's for princesses."

1 comment:

Barb Baldwin said...

How's Holly been getting on? I showed a friend of mine at work the Holly idea & she thought it was a winner that she's trying out with her kid. :)