It's hard to believe...Lucas and Addison just turned 3. Although, if you ask Lucas, he'll tell you he's 6. I'm not sure where 6 came from, but he's pretty darn consistent with that answer. Which is probably why I haven't been able to get him to show me that he is 3 like Addison happily does each time someone asks her how old she is!

They both had a hard time understanding what a birthday really meant. They've been to so many birthday parties (seems like every other weekend since this Spring--okay so it's not really that many, but it feels like it!), that they associate birthdays with going somewhere and eating "happy birthday cake". So in the morning when I woke them up and said "Happy Birthday" they both chanted, "I want to go and eat happy birthday cake".

Lucky for them, they get to celebrate their birthday twice...once just as a family and again with their friends this weekend. Lots and lots of happy birthday cake!